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First United Methodist Church
of Delran, NJ
Small Groups
At First United Methodist Church we offer many different small group experiences from home Bible studies to quilting. We hope that there is a group that interests you! We are also very excited about adding new small group experiences to the ones we already have. If you have an idea for a small group, contact our office with your idea.
Currently we offer the following small group opportunities:
Loving Hands Quilters meet in Son-Shine Hall on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month.
The Ladybugs women's study and fellowship meets in the parlor on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month.
Blasewitz's home Bible study meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month.
Our Praise Team music ministry practices on Monday nights and performs during our 10:30 Sunday morning worship service during our "school year" schedule.
Our Pastor leads a study group every Wednesday morning in the parlor during our "school year" schedule
Wacky Wednesday children's group provides biblical studies, activities and outings for the K-Fifth graders from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm every Wednesday during the "summer" schedule.
Totally Thursday is our Jr. and Sr. high program during the "summer" schedule and meets on Thursdays. However, depending on the activity this program could be at almost any time of the day. Check our calendar on the "Events" page for the most current information.
Always check our calendar for the most up to date information for all of our small group meeting times and places.
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